WiFi Wireless Network Services

WiFi Services We Offer

Wireless Router

Are you ready to upgrade your home network to a secure wireless network for maximum at home connectivity? Connect your smartphone to your wireless network to save on your data plan. Connect your laptop, tablets and desktop computers to your wireless network.

Wireless Range Extender

If the wireless in your house is spotty in different areas then installing a wireless range extender would be your best bet to make sure you have the best possible connection anywhere in your home. Adobe walls? Detached Work Area? No problem. We can find the solution to help make your life easier.

Wireless Cards and Dongles

If you’re restricted on where you can work and play at your home due to connectivity restraints we can help provide a solution either with internal wireless cards for your computer or by installing wireless USB dongles.

Ready for better WiFi?

Affordable and Custom Solutions for your Specific Needs

Multimedia Streaming

Want to connect your portable hard drive to your network so you can share and stream movies and music from anywhere in the house? We can get your wireless network to support this!

Wireless Home Surveillance

Keep a tab on things at home while you’re away with wireless cameras with App access from your smartphone. Keep an eye on your teenagers or your pets through the day when you’re away.

Find out more about our services!
