Benefits of having a VPN

Overall, businesses who need to keep their data secure no matter where their employees are located in the world frequently take advantage of something called a VPN connection. A VPN or virtual private Network allows you to securely connect to a specific Wireless network.

What is a VPN?

A VPN uses encryption connect for devices to the internet securely. Remote employees can connect to secure business data without having to log on to wireless connections. A VPN works by creating a secure tunnel where only encrypted data can travel through. Using special protocols, the data gets encrypted as it travels from host to receiver, and becomes  decrypted for the receiver to see it. There are many different types of VPN solutions to enhance your business security including WAN network, SSL, cloud-based VPN’s and finally traditional site-to-site VPN

How will a VPN help my company?

If security is of concern to you when it comes to your company and your data consider using a VPN. Businesses use VPN to improve the security of their it networks and secure privacy when staff and users need to work remotely or are traveling away from work or home. This allows them to access their data securely from anywhere in the world without experiencing risk to a public wireless internet.

What are the benefits of using a VPN?

Here are some of the awesome benefits of using  a VPN in your business.

Safe and secure data sharing

A business can improve data sharing by opting for a VPN solution which encrypts the entirety of the internet connection. Making a secure connection which allows your staff data safety regardless of if they are uploading or downloading data.

Remote access

Generally, Team members traveling and working remotely benefit from VPN connections. it allows your staff access to your proprietary data or client information through any Wi-Fi connection.

Simple to manage

Overall, a VPN Solutions is great for staff who bring their own devices to work. The other benefit of this is that they can easily be managed either by granting, or stopping access for users who no longer need review the data in question.

Increased security

Simply implementing a firewall or using a antivirus solution is not enough to keep your data secure. Importantly, new malware and viruses are constantly being created, this means that even the best antivirus and anti-malware Solutions are not always able to catch the threat in time. If you truly want to improve the security within your business a VPN will give you an additional layer of safety from external threats.

Overall, these are all the primary benefits of using a VPN as an additional security measure for your business. Finally, if You’re interested in receiving more information on how a VPN works or would you like would like to schedule a consultation to contact our expert team at 4leet.

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